9:57 p.m. viva la capitalisme! 2002-03-11
Reaped shop shop shop. walk walk walk. sniffle sniffle sniffle. how i love to consume. macys, h&m, daffy's, sephora, candor, sketchers. so many deals in a 500 sq ft radius i could just vomit clearance savings. 34 st. rulz. but now my feet hurt, my back is sore and my arms are swollen from carrying around so many goddam plastic shopping bags.

also finished a book today-Wicked by Gregory Mcguire. a revisionist history of the wizard of oz. read it-it's everything a fairy tale is but doesn't mention. for example, most of the guys are gay, and there's this whole nazi germany/consumer culture parallel going on that makes theory nerds like me drool. monica heard they had a tv version of confessions of an ugly step sister, {his other book, based on cinderella} on last night, but i'm kinda glad i didn't see it since those remakes always omit the best stuff and bastardize the rest into plastic network bullshit.

but anyway, back to tour de nyc. after my fattening my credit card bill i headed down to the new york public library. they always have cool exhibits. this time it was 'treasures of the public' read "stuff the nypl is finally letting you see after a bunch of people bitched that they were hoarding the cool stuff". let's see, they had a handwritten account of lincoln's medical treatment after he was shot, by the doctor who attended him, thomas jefferson's rough draft of the VA constitution (which looks alot like the declaration of independence) about 50 portraits of george washington in various states of age, likewise a portrait of every Astor and Lenox ever born (pretty sure they were oil barons or some other type of grotesquely rich society family in nyc back when edith wharton wrote about it), and a bunch of other portraits of dead white guys and their ugly wives. my only question, why search my bag as i'm leaving the library? eh?

in the park next to the nypl i heard the sounds of screaming adolescent girls, apparently because there was an inpromptu performance of some boy band-they are not like the others because they are hip-hop rather than pop. a little more tolerable, which is good because i wanted to sit and smoke a cigarette, and this park afforded many unoccupied benches and a lack of seedy looking people.

so, that was basically my day. a couple of people asked me for directions to the A train in front of macys, which made me happy that i am camoflauged enough to come off as a local. must be my matching kenneth cole accessories and jaded sneer. until i bust out with 'ya'll', no one will be the wiser. to imitate someone cooler than me,

bwah ha ha ha ha!!!! ya'll.

time for another cig, which means leaving monica's room. how sad for you, maybe i'll post again tomorrow, after i go to the met for some cultchah.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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