8:00 p.m. 1000 words 2002-03-12
Reaped The tour of nyc continues...

the metropolitan museum of art is so large, you can walk around all day and still not see it all. they have every single period of art covered.

in the roman classical room there were students doing sketches of sculpture. i peeked over their shoulders: one drew eyes, the next lips, the next only ears.

at the panoramic painting of versailles, which takes up a huge circular room, a group of new jerseyites ponder the inspiration for the work...

"...really Carol, why would someone want to do this? i mean, its beautiful and all, but why? seems kinda pointless."

i smile as i read on the placard that the exhibition was made to give americans an idea of french culture.

in the gallery of 19th century european art, an art student is set up with his easel and oils, carefully replicating a picture. how very postmodern.

then there was the frank lloyd wright room, the medieval gallery, an exhibit on fashion through the ages, a whole bunch of recreated rooms from different eras: baroque, rococo, federal, the modern art, with its jasper johns, jackson pollock and theodore rothko, the surrealisme exhibit, full of man ray's phallic pictures, the instrument room, etc etc.

but now i'm thinking, a picture is worth a thousand words, so of course i'm not doing justice. and my head hurts from too much looking. so, just go here and let me shut up for once.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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