6:47 p.m. yet another wrong in the life of stoner librarian 2002-10-09
Reaped i am a very negative person. reading over some of my archives has clenched the deal. ms. pessimist, that's me.

speaking of negativity and how things can sometimes bite you in the ass, i got this innarestin' message from my librarygrrl in the backwater hometown:

"...out of nowhere, IF says, and i paraphrase- you know i was thinking the other day that mo's migraines weren't migraines after all.

i asked her what she meant, saying that i knew that you were a migraine sufferer, and she thought that you were just trying to get pills out of her and JFM! like you were having withdrawal or something!! i was like, noooo, she gets migraines. eventually, she said that she didn't care if you just wanted the pills or not, but that she wished you'd just told her you wanted the pills. she would have given them to you either way. huh? pusherwoman F doesn't exactly have a nice ring to it. what's the deal, mo? why is this becoming an issue now?..."

Indeed, why is this an issue? i don't even work there anymore. even as i read over these horrendous accusations i get that salty patina of revenge in the back of my throat. no wonder i'm accused of being a junkie, i've got so much bloodlust i wish nothing but to rip these nay-sayers into tiny pieces of hanging flesh.

The truth of the matter is, i DO get migraines, and i DO need serious drugs to get them to go away. What is FALSE is that i hit up fellow librarians to get my fix. the idea! If i was that desperate do you really think i'd be in this profession? We've all seen Requiem for a Dream, c'mon now.

junkie is just not an appropriate moniker -'stoner' or 'pot head' or 'unwashed hippie' or 'one who will one day suffer the torments of hell' is fine. as in one who does a fine job everyday and then goes home to break the law in a quiet & passive way. not the chickenhead on the corner that's mugging you for crack.

The funny thing is, this come from one of the people from my old job that i thought was kinda cool. The art librarian, c'mon! It turns out she's just as catty as all the others. She's also a liar. all that shit about, "she wished you'd just told her you wanted the pills." is such a fabrication-she's the one who offered me the imitrex in the first place! she makes it sound like i'm sittin there on the desk with the shakes:

"C'mon baby, you got what i need...just a little taste for the poor body...i feel like i'm dying" *twitch twitch* yeah RIGHT. People are so dumb. I'm dumb too, apparently. taking free meds from friendly older coworkers is not something to do, even if they're to serve a true purpose and even if you're poor with no health insurance. a life's lesson learned. People talk. people are not nice. people are not your friends though they may pretend to be. Here's a cliche, they suck. you probably suck too, but i've learned my lesson. Yet another person to be excommunicated when i finally come to rule libraryland. i think really, i'll just excommunicate everyone and set up a dictatorship in my head. we'll see who's the meds junkie then!

so anyway, i feel better now. there was good reason to bitch so much about the old job after all! don't feel so bad now-actually kinda lucky, since the new job is devoid of psychos, egos, and hos, at least enough that i haven't noticed yet. again, water under the bridge. expository writing is good for that sorta thing.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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