4:01 p.m. my sisters torrid love life 2002-10-08
Reaped earlier

ahh, young love. so torrid, so full of passion & romance & misplaced adjectives...

what am i talking about? well, my sister went to get her oil changed yesterday. IN HER CAR, perv. the cheapest & best place for that to happen in melbourne FL, of course, is owned & operated by her ex-fiance's family. that's okay, b/c her and the ex are 'distant friends', as i believe she put it. at least, until yesterday, when upon returning home w/ her cleaned, oiled car found this note from his newer, psycho-er and obviously self-esteem deprived girlfriend in her inbox(the underline is mine):

XXXXX, (i omitted sis' name for privacy)

Hi, name is Lisa. Well, I am sure you are not certain what this is about, or

why I am approaching you this way. It is my only source of contact to inform

you of a few things. I would have preferred it to be in person. Rob and I are starting a peaceful life together and hebetudious interruptions sometimes surface unnecessary emotions. I am not one to be jealous, spiteful, or quick to judge... Rob and I have discussed this on more than one occasion... I asked him if he would still like to keep contact with you and keep a friendship that he has shared so many memories with. I explained to him that I was understanding and it would not affect my decision to marry him. He then explained to me that there was no use to further his experiences with you. He realizes that he does not need to go out side our union and bond with someone else when I give him everything that he could possible love and cherish for the rest of his life. On that note... He has said you have been encountering through more then one medium, purposing that you should be together. It makes him and I very uncomfortable to have an outsider cause languor disturbances. We live together now and have flourishing ideas on how we would like to spend the rest of our lives. Please leave him to be happy.


...Can someone please tell me if hebetudious is even a word? In the words of my sis, "I'll hebetude her fucking ass". It's just really amusing, considering my sister had some other guy LIVING with her until a week ago. And scary, considering this girl got her email somehow. Sis calls and asks me, "why do all the psychos flock to me?" To which i can answer, "Dunno, want me to post this on his band's website's guestbook?" She conceded, but unfortunately they don't have one. Lucky this time. But if you want to send some 'your g-friend's a friggin psycho' spam, the guy to get it is [email protected]

but ya didn't hear that from me ;)

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Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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