2:34 a.m. last cup of sorrow 2002-09-15
Reaped things to think about...

i'm drunk right now. excused myself from the fete when it broke down into wreckless playing of obscure nintendo games, to come back here and surf the web while i'm good and fucked up. so now it's here instead.

went to the audubon zoo today, where many interestsing sights of the animal world were found.

like, i saw a white alligator, a mamba, a preganant lady smoking a cigarette, and beer vendors & a gator feedin & a mcdonalds & an elephant. it was pretty cool. im in no shape to say more than that at this point.

afterwards, we came home and took a nap. smoked a bit & watched iron chef. the cat chased roaches up the walls.

hmmm, listening to a live track of system of a down right now, segueing gently into a tribe called quest kickin it to a lou reed sample.. i don't even know where this muski has come from, so many people have been on this old desktop. *sigh*

pretty nice out tonight, the wind off that tropical storm is breezy & not too hot. tomorrow i venture out to buy a vacuum. teetering on the edge of domesticity. i'm sure superwalmart will fix that though.

take a deep breath & swallow

your sorrow


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Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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