4:34 p.m. like playing with raw meat 2002-12-02
Reaped um, so, my birthday really isn't until wednesday but thanks for the well wishes anyways. i'll distribute the good karma accordingly.

so will did da weez get for her b-day? so far, a kick ass turqoise aluminum christmas tree, a cd by al jarreau (who's he? i have no idea, its from my gramma, so i'll find out on the drive home in about twenty minutes), a purse, some moolah (quickly converted to more flammable currency), and plastic insulated cups carrying the gator insignia, from my dad. *s9gh* my first set of UF alumni dishes. never thought i'd see the day...

did i mention i cooked thanxgiving dinner all by myself? aw yeah. that whole moonlighting as a chef in college really paid off. i even peeled back the turkey-lurkey skin & stuck herbs onto the breast meat ala martha stewart. cos i'm that hard. actually, it's cos i like playing with raw meat.

there's a google for ya.

work is over soon, yay! going to pick up my pics of the wedding from last month, and probably stop by the bookstore. i was gonna read twelve by nick mcdonnell, but after reading some of the amazon reviews i might just pick up bret easton ellis' less than zero instead, since they are apparently almost the same. though bret ellis scares me. if you've read american psycho and happen to be female, you know what i mean. his writing is the type you can't put down, but in not putting it down you are subjected to these outrageous scenes of lust and violence, in a way that makes it simultaneously very erotic & sick. like anais nin doing splatterpunk. or maybe that's just me. i do love raw meat.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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