11:14 a.m. babble on 2002-12-02
Reaped the family has come and gone, leaving rumpled bed clothes and a pile of nostalgic turkey bones in their wake. unfortunately, the bones did not function correctly in the voodoo ceremony held for the bucs in their match against the saints. papal intervention, that's what i'm screamin'. don't mess with the pope or his team.

last night was E!'s True Hollywood Story on Saved by the Bell. According to them 'viewers were riveted to the show's simple and playful storylines which appealed across generation & nationality.' this was actually better than the game. safer too, since crab almost managed to put the remote through the wall the 5th time somebody dropped the ball. if you want to know what your s.o. looks like mad, watch them watch their football team lose. it's almost as fun as a group therapy session.

and the simpsons last night, WTF?? it was just.not.funny. i'm a heretic, through and through. or maybe just not high enough last night. dunno.

my sister wrote me a song for my b-day. here goes:

its molly's birthday

c'mon lets get wasted

its molly's birthday

c'mon everybody get wasted

there was more to it, but i forget. staying true to the song, we did kinda get wasted. it's fun though, to have a sister that can play guitar & with which to make up songs. hopefully, one day she'll get famous & i can be her personal researcher and not have to work a 9-5 job & go to the grammys in a dress by alexander mcqueen and smoke bags of $5,000 maryjane. for now though, ride the clock.

so that's all for now. my nose is raw and dry from all the cold air. the stray kitty i adopted has disappeared. if you want a christmas card send me an address. Mr. ishamaelwhilewaking, this means you too.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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