12:06 p.m. ramen, web rings, religion & a rant 2002-12-17
Reaped the library smells like ramen right now, which means someone's cooking in the break room.

tomorrow is the office christmas party. the crappy thing is, us ref. librarians have to man the desk as well, so we get to rotate attending the party. this is really really lame, and indeed indicative of certain management practices around here. why can't we all go to the party & have the student worker who's managing circ page us if we're needed? i mean, its the friggin' christmas party, right? and tonight i need to make some type of brownie to bring. la la.

found a web ring of librarians today:

http://v.webring.com/hub?ring=altlibrarianwebr if anyone's interested. i always hesitate joining these types of cliques, since certain lifestyle choices of mine are somewhat illegal & the library content in here is pretty minimal. lot's of bitching, but low content. not the image other librarians want to see, probably.

so last night i had a dream i was gettin' some form one of my exes. now i feel sad. maybe its some type of emotional displacement. either that or the spinach quiche from last night, hard to tell.

so in conclusion, happiness is a goldfish. read this to find out how atheists & brown people will be persecuted in the New Dark Ages. then maybe ben stein's** little piece about how we're fucking ourselves. then go get pissed. you have my blessing.

the end.

**aka the "Bueller...Bueller...Bueller..." guy

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