1:15 p.m. protest 2002-04-03
Reaped there's a protest against the israeli occupation of palestine going on outside the library right now. about 30 really wet students are chanting, "whadda we want?" "justice!" "when do we want it?" "now!" and "isreal is nazi!" (?!) holding up a mock coffin w/ a palenstinian flag draped over it, waving placards that say 'bury the hatchet, not your babies'. their signs drip marker ink onto the concrete, as it pools and soaks in it creates green and red stains on the side walk. it's raining: the cops are wearing their bright yellow raincoats, a pocket is cut out of it so you can see their gun holster hanging at their side. they stand under the overhang, shaking hands and talking to two fat older white men, whom i can only assume are deans or some other higher ups in the administration, here to watch the show. the local abc and fox affiliates showed up to take pictures-though i'm sure any coverage of this will be horrendously skewed given the US' position in the whole affair. however, so far, no counter protesters screaming about the counteless injustices done to the isrealis by the hands of Arafat and his palenstinian terror lackeys, thankfully. I can't take that same didactic crap everyday-it's hard for me to even listen to npr nowadays. just wish people would stop blowing each other up over there, sit down, and actually enter into a dialogue that doesn't include terrorist finger pointing. both sides are just as bad when it comes to that, the only difference is where the the isrealis use tanks the palestinians prefer a dress coat made of plastique to get their point across.

Fresh Cut
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Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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