2:07 p.m. for the ladies 2002-04-02
Reaped as i told a friend at work, today was the yearly probe in which to prevent me from spawning. so many questions. do you smoke, do you drink, do you have milky discharge,do you prefer male, female, or both, have you had any nasty diseases lately, do you do drugs, do you have SEX while you're on drugs, how many ways will you take it while you're having sex on drugs, ad infinitum til i'm sick of the questions. of course i fudged the drugs and drinking and smoking stuff, mostly because i really can only stand a lecture about the hazards of cigarrette smoking for about 15 minutes, and i'm not gonna test my limits when it comes to a lecture on the "dangers" of marijuana. so i answered all the questions, then found out the receptionist messed up and given me the wrong form so i had to fill out more paperwork and ended up signing the waiver form that says i won't sue if they puncture my uterus after the whole puncturing took place. the one thing about annuals is that they take a long time. those nurse practitioners like for you to sit on that freezing chair and stare at the stirrups in your paper 'clothes' for a good 20 minutes before they come in and tell you to spread 'em. didn't mind too much, someone had left an old Esquire magazine lying around so i read this article called "Pot smoking in the suburbs", which gave me a little hope for my proposed yuppie future.

then got my boobs massaged, and luckily they didn't do that whole anal test, for which i was very grateful. and now i am assured a year of fruitless loins. i can handle metallic instruments being stuck into my nether areas for another year of irresponsible sexual activity.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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