9:44 a.m. penis penis party! (and some resolutions) 2003-01-03
Reaped if somebody gets me a gold membership, i'm gonna get a digital camera and go off. awww yeah. holla holla.

new years resolutions in the life of miz weez, as come to her rather foggily this friday morbning**

cut down to 10 death stix a day

lose the buddha belly that has slowly started to mirror the bulge of the crescent city

drink only good alcohol in moderation

master the art of going out, drinking only good alcohol in moderation & not getting a hangover the next day

be nicer to crab

buy a PS2 (okay, not a resolution, but my fucking dvd player no longer plays sound, and getting one may save the relationship of goat & crab)

save money

learn spanish for the big trip to cabo

**please note, some resolutions may appear oxymorons. this is ok, cos i'm a moron

i think that's enough in terms of resolutions. too many, you lose track. not that many of these will actually be realized. oh well. it's good to have goals.

so one day right after christmas me, my sis, my hot cousin & mr xxxxx went down to this bar in downtown clearwater called greenbacks to get our drunk on. it was 80's night, which you could tell cos the band was dressed up like different 80s dudes. there was the devo guy on bass, the flock of seagulls guy drumming, the lead singer sammy hagar guy, some punk looking ramones guy on guitar. and even though it was a full band, they still used a kareoke machine, cos in many 80s songs you need a synthesizer, and there was absolutely no synthesizer on the stage. this was more than a little amusing, and for awhile i wondered if the band was even playing the music, or just lip syncing. so anyway, we get there & it turns out to be high skool reunion, there's some ex-jock from my sister's class who's all drunk and trying to dance with us. like grabbing us and dragging us to the dance floor. um, excuse me, but no. i've been waiting for this moment specifically to give the eyebrow raised 'you wish' look to these very people. hi skool bro had one of his dudes with him, whom i vaguely recognized as an ex football player. he points to one of my sis's friends, who's doing some booty dance with hi skool bro. "did you know this crazy chick in high school?" he asks. i'm mentally smacking my head in frustration at the sheer cheeziness of it all....'this crazy chick', dear lord save me. he got a one syllable reply. luckily, mr. xxxx showed up with shots at that point and the night got a little better. it was ladies night as well so as the night aged our table was like the big red bulls eye of pussy. i could see these greased up clearwater bros zeroing in on the table, which turned out to be bad because once eye contact is made with these bros its as good as a green light. lock and load. this youngish looking kid staggers over to me & my sister, "excuse me, we were just wondering how come you fine ladies aren't dancing?" oh dear. how to put this. sister saves, "we are now!" grabs my arm and we dance as far away from the pack of greasy boys. during this time i wondered where my cock blocker had gone to. turns out mr. xxxx was sidled up to the bar. oh well. meanwhile, my hot cousin had found one of her blonde muscled surfer friends (his name was dane, in the words of my sis, 'as in DANG hot!) whom she proceeded to get jiggy with, much to my chagrin. way way too much cheese everywhere! overall though, we still had a good time, even if they closed the bar at one FUCKING thirty in the morning. but i guess it is clearwater, scientology capital of the world among other dubious honors. and when they played the cure's "just like heaven", i couldn't even dance, as soon as that first drum beat & bass riff kicked in it was like i was paralyzed, i needed my tamela to dance the goth dance. ah tamela, how i miss you & the days of carousing at the castle. sigh. it was kinda sad. now when i hear that song i'm gonna get all nostalgic for days past. and thats the moral of the story. fucking getting old. aging sucks, but it gets easier to give everyone the raised eyebrow fuck off look.

and that, dear diary, is one of my stories from vacation.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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