1:41 p.m. mundane monday 2002-04-01
Reaped Hmmm, a strangly normal day at the library. Top questions of the day,

"i want to login to the computer but i don't have a user name and password."

wish i had a tape recorder that said "on the hard drive, you know, the part that doesn't have a screen, there is a little white box that has a user name and password. they will be identical. enter this into the boxes on the screen to login."

then i could be all smart ass and lip sync the instructions. maybe add some cool n'sync choreography. it would at least be entertaining for me...

oooh, cute dread boy w/ big tan muscles just sat at a computer. mmmm good.

so i might not get a tuition waiver for my GA position this summer. This means an extra $1000 in loans to cover classes. Of course, we won't know til the ultimate last minute, since that's how legislation works in this back water state. they're also charging students for internet access now. used to be included in fees. Jeb, you g'damned carpetbagger, how i hate your guts.

also, we had FBI and INS people asking for lib. records under the guise of the US Patriot Act. got terrorists? FYI if you think no one will know you checked out that book on the underground transvestite hamster culture, think again. they're watching you.

probably watching me too. not that i care. at least when you're incarcerated you get fed and get to read cool stuff like the bible and federal statutes and watch reruns of All in the Family while sitting in your own 'comfy' orange plastic chair and have your own special prison bitch nickname. Can't be that bad of a living. Come on, 15% of the US population swears by it.

2nd most popular question of the day:

"Why can't i do word processing on this computer?"

taped response: "[sigh] word processing is only available at the library in the computer lab. down that hall, thru the double glass doors to your right."

you know, they should get one of those taped instruction reels like they have at amusement parks for the front lobby...

"el tratamiento de textos de textos est� solamente disponible en el laboratorio del ordenador abajo que el pasillo, por las puertas de cristal dobles a la su derecha. "

heh heh, cristal dobles...

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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