2:43 p.m. A document in madnesse, thoughts & remembrance/ fitted 2002-03-31
Reaped cause nobody loves me, it's true

not like you do...

found out a high school friend killed herself last week. feel bad for her brother, who i've known since elementary school. it was kind of a chain reaction: the one girl who's now dating the old track coach called my sister's friend in Tally and leaves a message on her machine with the news. she in turn called my sis in O-town, hysterical of course, who then calls me after everyone else she still talks to from back in the day knew nothing. so i searched the Trib and Times and found the obituary.

this is the first person i've known somewhat closely who has chosen to take their own life. the real sad part of it is she had a serious eating disorder, which probably played a big role in the whole thing. many people have observed that eating disorders are about control: this was so perversely atypical of that it's uncanny. she was an honors student/overachiever: the last person who saw her said she looked skeletal. maybe she just wanted to disappear. it's too bad no one told her there's alot better ways become invisible. i remember her as always hyper and hilarious and super smart. what drove you to that point? were you brave? did you know something we didn't?

guess you do now.

"...There's Rosemary, that's for Remembraunce. / Pray loue remember: and there is Paconcies, that's for / Thoughts. /

There's Fennell for you, and Columbines: ther's / Rew for you, and heere's some for me. Wee may call it / Herbe-Grace a Sundaies: Oh you must weare your Rew / with a difference. There's a Daysie, I would giue you / some Violets, but they wither'd all when my Father dyed: / They say, he made a good end; / For bonny sweet Robin is all my ioy..."

Goodnight Ladies

Goodnight sweet Ladies:

/ Goodnight, goodnight.

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Random Shearings
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