2:32 p.m. Scattered horrible metaphors 2002-05-06
Reaped yeah i'm a fuckin slacker, never writing in the diary anymore, blah blah blah. but anyway. i'm feeling icky. like the burning feeling you get right under your windpipe in your throat right before your lymph nodes expand to the size of melons. I figure, 3 more hours and smoking is not going to be the pleasant activity it usually is.

and of course, hunger. no snack bar at the library open during intersession b/c it's a 'low traffic' area. that's according to Mariott, the shitty food service provider for USF who coincidentally also exploits hotel workers in their axis of evil...

rant. i do it so well.

so, the library club is also screwing me over. i fronted 200 bucks for the graduation reception and they wrote a check to me. BUT OF COURSE when i go to deposit it today, its no good. b/c apparently the club has no overdraft protection and all the cash is in savings. please fuck me in the ass some more, o sodomy world, since i mailed the credit card bill for 200 bucks before depositing the check, to ensure that my account bounces.

and, i'm working 12-5 today. but only 2 hours on the desk. so i ask you, should i remain at work for the 2 hours i am scheduled but not on the desk? heavens, what will i do with myself? last time free time occurred i almost set the library on fire. (note to self-chinese food cartons do NOT work in the microwave...) actually, i think i will go home, smoke and eat, then come back, see if anyone notices i'm gone (or consequently, stoned) and leave again. I have a feeling no one will care. I am pretty sure they are firing us at the end of June, so i figure i gotta rape the virgin why i can, eh?

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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