2:20 p.m. XXXtra dirty 2002-05-30
Reaped so yesterday was das geburtstag meiner schwester. she's now 21. look out world. this weekend will be spent guzzling alcohol and other suspicious substances at the south side inn on the other coast. 7 girls, one bathroom, and all the suntan oil you can shake a stick at. unfortunately with all this drought it has been incredibly difficult to find green things lately, so the idea to get her a nice glass blown bong has fallen flat. twould be a tease, methinks. this is bad, as i have run out of ideas & time to get her anything.

my mom is dropping off her present at my house later, so i guess i could always substitute that as a gift. anyways, my presence should be enough.

this party should be cool. been working up to it. why is it that summer is always so chock full of weekend benders?

for example, last weekend at the beach house we drank, smoked, danced, rolled, and barbequed. johnson's roommate was even so drunk that he fractured his hip falling down the stairs. interestingly enough, he was later baker acted back in tampa--the cops found him sprawled halfway out of his friend's truck in the apt parking lot at 4am. needless to say, johnson has definitively decided to move in w/ tamela this fall. the weekend before that was more of the same-anther 21st b-day in the group. the weekend before that, rolling at this way swank house in brandon. this whole month has been nothing but an endless sequence of drinking and pot consumption and recovery. a celebration of decadence while waiting for the world to explode. preferably while i'm on the beach, smoking a cigarette, extra dirty martini in hand.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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