6:05 p.m. Band Dork 2002-02-07
Reaped getting ready to go to band practice. it's not a cool band though, just a church band. i've played clarinet since 5th grade, which is a long time now. i was even drum major in high school. no, not the stupid chick with the flag, but the one conducting a mediocre version of the Star Spangled Banner before football games. the one you wouldn't date because it wasn't cool to be seen with anyone wearing polyester to a school function.

perhaps you ask, why would a progressive girl with marx quotes on her page devote time to a organized religion? i could say, because it's the church of the subgenius. but that would be a lie.

actually, one of my friends from back in the day ended up a youth director there, and in his words, "needed someone on clarinet who didn't suck". mostly i do it because i need an outlet for the latent band dork still stuck inside me. but its okay, because its fun, and gives me an excuse to squawk on my horn and annoy my upstairs neighbors. they deserve it though, playing music so loud i can hear it in my room.

really, how many times can someone listen to STP's Lush in one day? they deserve the occasional sustained high F and chormatic scale for getting that song stuck in my head.

its cool though. sometimes i'll just take the mouthpiece and barrel and make funny duck noises. it makes the cats freak out.

also, its fun to disturb the church-goers with my big ass tattoo and piercings. though i do feel a little evil parking my car in the church lot. i have this sticker that says "avant bitch", and another saying "route 666". then i see the moms dropping off their kids for choir practice, shooting dirty looks at me while i smoke a final cigarette before going inside. yep, i'm going to hell.

like a good band dork should.

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Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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