1:19 p.m. Indigestion 2002-02-06
Reaped yes yes, i know this is not a weblog. but i feel rather depressed and pissy today and must share the sorrow. maybe it was the overpriced cheez burger i had for lunch

maybe its the lack of respect i get at work from EVERYONE.

perhaps, its that i haven't smoked since MLK's birthday, or

maybe its the engineering kids that come in asking in bad english for IEEE journals and then brush me off like a stupid american when they don't hear what they want. or perhaps, it's that i just saw ANOTHER friend from high school who, sure enough, is just MARRIED.


i think the guilt of the big breakup is finally hitting me. feel so...guilty? no. sad? kinda. angry? well, yeah... for starters, new orleans mike sent one of his wierd brief emails saying, "sorry not to see you for philip glass, i know me and john can be less-than-tolerable on occasion...", meaning the ex has been spewing forth with the evil molly stories. i confirmed those reports by replying with, "chicks are evil and materialistic, especially this one. get over it"

also because jw told me i have to give back the tie-died crab beanie baby he gave me for christmas. AND the fredric jameson post-modernism book, another 'conditional gift' from my b-day 2 years ago. when he gave it to me he said, "if we ever break up you have to give it back. it was really expensive." in truth, between the book and the simpson's dvd, he's spent at most 30 bucks on me at once, ever.

but the entire gifts return process is just symbolic poet bullshit. more stuff for him to cry on. i should tell him no! i stuck the crab in some boiling water and served it to hot donuts with melted butter, then i used his friggin' book because we were out of toilet paper, and post-modernists are only worth the back of my dirty ass anyway. there's your fucking symbolism, go put it in the novel you'll never write, slack-master.

vent vent vent.

but still i feels bad.

hey, at least i don't cut/starve/shoot myself up. though i will inexplicably punch walls, rather violently, on occasion.

maybe tonight will be one of those.


Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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