1:52 p.m. something smells like dead cow around here 2002-11-12
Reaped Proverbs35:2 comes over and asks, "will you be requiring my services tonight?" and i say, most certainly. mmm-hmmm. too bad he's only asking if i need a ride home. then he's like, watcha do last night? and i said, consumed various inebriates*, watched the simpsons & passed out. its a tradition in my camelback these days. then he's like, 'i missed my favorite show last night.' "which one is that?" i asked, and it turns out its that everwood show on WB. 'are you joking?' i ask, trying not to be too incredulous as to jeopardize my transportation home tonight. it might have been sarcasm, hard to tell. so i asked if he ever watched charmed or buffy, which, if you're gonna get high off a cheezy tv show that rots your brain, are the ones to do it on. kinda non-commital response there. i think maybe he was serious. new orleans is just a wierd old town with wierd old inhabitants.

for all you veggies out there: i'm wearing a dead cow today. it made a very lovely blazer and smells like a bloody steak. i know, i'm going to a very customized level of hell for those who are both adulterers and carnivores. i figure, might as well take care of it all at once, rather than drag it out.

*really would like to figure out if prov. is a stoner or not. looks like one, but then again, lots of straight edge kids do. so it goes.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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