1:56 p.m. *yawn* 2002-12-19
Reaped why does loopilyn keep calling me Holly? i've worked here long enough, jesus christ. every time it happens she's like, "is your name Moli or Holly?" and i go, 'moli' and she goes 'oh yeah. don't know why i can't remember it.' and i go, 's'ok, its all good'. and the next day, it starts all over again. like a time varp. who really knows?

so...who didn't go see LOTR2 last night? and who didn't have wet dreams about legolas & galadriel? liars. but yeah. the movie was good. a little long, a little choppy, and i could have lived without the shieldboarding scene during the battle at helmsdeep, but otherwise it was satisfactory. in the words of mike of m+m post-movie, 'the two towers was a slow book, the only thing that happens is the battle at helmsdeep & lots of running. and the Ents take a month to say one sentence. so whatchya want?' indeed.

a couple of mike's friends came along to the movie. one was a third year med student from dallas. seats were pretty limited so we sat together apart from the others. pretty cute, a little low on the conversation skills, but then again we were all heavily sedated by the time we got to the movie. nevertheless, he was a talker. you know the kind, the ones who will keep a running commentary on the movie if you let them. i didn't, quickly quelching his words w/ a strait ahead stare and a suitably if-you-don't-shut-the-fuck-up-aragon's-not-the-only-one-going-over-the-cliff humph. then his cell phone went off, and i kinda felt sorry for him cos he probably just forgot cos he was stoney.

and the whole time my mind kept slipping into gamer mode. spent most of the movie drawing silent parallels to various d&d campaigns. imagining d20 rolls & battle combos with which to take out orcs. if only they went down as easily in the film... hopefully over break i'll get to live out a little bit of this role playing. would like to resurrect my dwarven fighter. who by the way can kick gimli's ass. who at the time i left backwater city was up to a healthy double digit level & had several magic items including a girdle of stregnth that allowed me to heave boulders. which is useful for a being barely 4 feet tall when fighting ice giants. but then again, haven't heard from crab since the brief phonecall on monday. though he did call mike. so what that means i have yet to conjecture. trying to practice patience here & leave the boulders where they should be.

so i feel there's a definite fluctuation in the quality of entries in terms of fluidity, punctuation, cohesion, sense, etc. it's gonna change depending on how this writer feels. which shouldn't matter since this is my diary for me. sometimes, i just need to see it in writing to remind myself it doesn't matter. yep. how damn egotistically self-centered is that?

wonderfully so. Self, you rule so much.

shut up.

you do.



time to go then.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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