9:42 a.m. whine whine whine 2002-12-05
Reaped every get that nasty feelin like you've swallowed too much snot? mm-hmm. that's what i'm screamin'. i am in such a crappy mood today, i feel like screaming at everyone. luckily i get to go to the dental library this afternoon & then get the rest of the day off so its not as bad as it could be.

i am wondering if it is against company policy to buy stuff online here. i could be using all this time to christmas shop online. only its not like i can really ask anyone. 'hey boss-lady, is it ok to shop online here?' yeah, that'd go over real well.

crab was being such an asshole last night. i get home & ask him, wanna go get drinks or anything? cos, y'know, it was my b-day & all, but he's like, nooo, i have too much work to do.. gotta read this book...gotta write a paper. so i'm like, okay, no problem. proceed to watch southpark make fun of the war on terrorism. then mike calls & wants to know if anyone wants to go out. by this time i'm tired, getting sicker, a little too stoney to move, so i bail. but crab is like, 'yeah, can you pick me up?' WHAT!? i'm screamin internally. no time to go out w/ the g-friend on her birthday but mike calls and your all ready to suck some down?! WTF?!

so i call him on it, and he's like, well, i finished the book and you're sick & don't wanna do anything now etc. etc. whatever. by this point i'm starting to feel unconfortably like his mom, so i recant, and tell him to do what he wants, go out, i don't care *insert passive aggression here* storm up the stairs, blah blah blah. so he calls mike, probably tells him i'm a psycho bitch & then tells me he's not going anywhere. the passive aggression is so thick you can cut it with a butter knife. neither of us go out. i accuse him of doing this to make me feel guilty for keeping him in. he tells me not to try & think for him cos he's never going to act how i want him to if i do. jeez, this sounds even more fucked up in writing. great. so by that point i'm wishing he did go out cos now he's hanging around & trying to prove he pays attention to me & is a good b-friend & does stuff with me but ultimately this just drives me nuts. which i feel bad about since it is a sweet gesture & i'm just a drug addled invalid with emotional problems. when i'm annoyed with someone the last thing i wanna do is tell them they are a good crab & pat them on the head. however, simultaneously i don't want to NOT do that since it will only result in an intense debate about why he's not a good crab which usually turns into why i'm a bad goat & i really don't want to open that can of worms. so i go to bed to escape it all and dream of august.

the end.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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