5:21 p.m. pull this thread as i walk away 2002-02-25
Reaped signs i am getting old:

1)noticable hearing loss 5 minutes into concert

2)recognize band's name from obscure 20-year-old kid's movie

3)concert is over in time for city wide adolescent curfew

Weezer was last night. The whole town showed up, it seems. Pretty fun, got kinda drunk and stoned and drove downtown-not an endorsement of driving under the influence, mind you, more of a caution advisory for people i share the road with. anyway...

Ozma opened the show, they always rock. They sound crunchy like Weezer, but their guitarist has a very van-halen cock rock wail. He rips oldschool. The band did a great cover of the russian tetris song, sounding very much like the Pixies surf guitar sound, then a different song called "battlescars" that had very dirgelike emo beat. songs to slit your wrist to.

Then Saves the day came on, and I went outside to smoke. Save that nauseous feeling in my stomach, please. Poor saves the day, i am predisposed to dislike them because they seem like another up-n-coming carbon copy teenie punker band. Before I put them down too much, let me say, I did see the last bit of thier set: the lead singer has a kinda whiny voice, and tends to shake his hips "like axl rose", as tamela observed. hmmmm. I don't understand why they recieved more applause than Ozma. Could it have something to do with the hips?

So finally it is weezer's turn. They have a new bassist, who looks nothing like a weezer boy. He had big muscles and a tattoo on his arm, exaggerated by the fact that he was wearing a leather biker vest. A good bassist, but overshadowed by the fact that he looked like a Metallica roadie. It was hard to adjust. I miss the old bassist, i and other members of the band. But anyway, the set was still great, a mixture of the Green and Blue albums, and a couple off Pinkerton, sadly, no El Scorcho or Pink Triangle :( The lights were cool as well, if not a little overproduced. "Only In Dreams" was probably the highlight: the stage was covered with smoke and lit with a turqoise light from behind, appropriate for the song.

But in the end i just kept wishing for a purer form of weezer than what i was given. unadulterated, before they were allocated a target market and paraded around TRL. Bands transform, i can deal with that, but when they do so right before my eye it makes me kind of nostalgic. Or old. Or paranoid. it at least makes me wonder about the mechanics of the music industry, who's band it really is...

Alas, I have destroyed my sweater.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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The WeatherPixie