3:04 p.m. FUCK NO i aiNt workin late on a hangover fRiday 2002-12-20
Reaped bosslady just asked me to work until 6pm. but then quickly saw i didn't want to and let me off the hook. *big sigh of relief*

so now that i'm fully recovered, last night was Bingo! at Fiorella's, a little hole in the wall place down by the french market. the back bar is about as big as my living room, that's where they do the show. for you see, bingo is not just a game, it is a sound, a vision, a way of life. musically, the band has a circus-bluegrass feel. kinda like tom waits & TMBG having a bastard child. there's an organ, a fiddle, string bass & percussion, interspersed with sax, megaphones & a flute. awesome sound, and of course they play bingo with a vintage set that one of em found at a flea market around here. when you win you must dance around the front of the stage with the bingo groupies: one looks like a mime while the others usually go for the loads-of-tulle cyndi lauper skirts. the first time we went, crab won some glow in the dark aliens. they made him wear a red plastic cowboy hat and jump around. if you know the crab it was very amusing.

not to be outdone, last night they invented what i like to call the nekkid bingo bounce. the transvestite and the photographer threw off their shirts & began dancing together during the last song. interestingly enough, they both had rather smallish boobies that matched in a way. both more pendulous than perky, but my did they bounce. my first witness to the spontaneous shedding of inhibitions that makes the french quarter what it is. how i love it. especially the free skin, mm-hmm

DUDE!! why do the friggin librarians feel it necessary to check with the patrons out here even when i'm sitting at the freakin' ref desk here for their every need? ok ok, now crazy librarian is sitting down. WTF?!? showing her pubmed. making me look the complete ass for any suit that walks by. its times like this i feel like a major non-necessity. its times like this i wonder why the hell they hired me. its times like this is wish i was in cataloguing or serials & didn't have to deal with this shit. and you know, i asked the girl if she needed help when she sat down. IN FACT i said exactly, 'if you need any help or have questions just ask me!' very friendly. fuck you crazy librarian! stealing my patrons.

*deep breath*

its ok, she's nuts anyway. she will not make me nuts as well. i will be nice to my colleagues. i will be nice to my colleagues. i will be nice to my colleagues. *shoots daggered look in general vicinity of reference offices*

but back to bingo. it was fun. i went with moon's friend teaboy from the pharmacology dpt. i'm calling him teaboy since he's into organic things from south america that are generally drunk in such fashion. he's also got this georgia twang that for some reason is very cute. we had a good time. he got a girls number. i talked to some guys from england. i think at the end of the night i did some flirting, but being that i was really quite drunk by that point i don't actually remember. but tonight we might go see this other band liquidrome that has one of the same guys from bingo. which is cool. i would like to say i learned my lesson & will not be drinking, but that would be a lie. lie lie lie. i would also like to say i don't think teaboy is attractive whatsoever but that too would be false.

during the morning of hell proverbs35 (the other tattooed smoker here) stopped by my desk and with a very quizzical look. 'do you need anything?' he inquired. 'i just wanna *urp* go home,' i whined. i had told him about this bingo thing yesterday so he knew what was up. 'Yeah, it's all downhill after 25. that's when i had to stop the heavy drinkin' (Proverbs 35 being a wizened 30, but whatever) 'how old are you know?' he asked. "25" i sighed. his eyebrows raised, bar bell catching the light of the flourescents, he laughed and dipped out the door.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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