6:52 p.m. Tuesday chat 2002-05-14
Reaped yeah. um, been to silent lately.

so right now i'm tied to a computer in the windowless GA batcave in the library. I am on 'chat duty' from 6-10pm. manning the virtual reference chat room. too bad no one knows it exists. my question is, will anyone notice if i slip out the back for a cigarette? guess i could say i was peeing. outside, because i'm claustaphobic and all. anyway, i've had one person in the past hour. this cutting edge technology shit ain't really working for the half developed humanoids this university calls students. what i really wish would be [insert big glassy bambi eyes here] to do this chat stuff at home, where i can sit at my computer naked and smoke any damn thing i want, should i desire.

me me me

it's all about me

the evil systems guy has cut off my access to solitaire and other interesting games on the office desktop after last week's marathon computer game session. apparently he has the means to look into your computer while you are on it and spy. he spied me in the games, and promptly came down from his MSN castle to inform me i wouldn't be slacking off using that anymore. then he accused me of downloading Winzip onto the GA computers, which i really don't understand how is exactly a bad thing, considering you need it to, um, UNZIP compacted files. needless to say i didn't do that anyway, so I told him i could always play solitaire online and left work 2 hours early. i know, i'm a big whiny immature baby who doesn't respect her elders. i'm probably going to fail miserably at everything i do in penance for this huge chip-on-my-shoulder attitude problem i'm developing. that's okay. the only things i want at this juncture in my life is my worthless USF diploma, my tax return, and a ride to new orleans.

so, if anyone is actually reading this stupid diary,, and it is betweeen the hours of 6 and 10pm on Tuesday, you should visit me in the chat room. heres the url:

you have to give a name and email, but you can always make that shit up. nobody cares. c'mon, i'll tell you where to find the kama sutra online. only not right now, cuz i'm gonna go 'pee'.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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