11:46 a.m. [insert witty title here] 2002-11-07
Reaped woo hoo! only forty five minutes 'til the florida vacation. mmm-hmmm. in the meantime, explain to various hot little nursing students that the journals are on the fifth floor, arranged alphabetically, blah blah blah. you know. the boring librarian things that everyone stereotypes us for. but whatever. i have a job. i make more money & have higher job satisfaction than you. whoever that is. and i get to leave in forty five minutes.

think i'm gonna take a class at delgado community college next spring. either medical terminology or car repair.

how many nursing students does it take to find an article? Four. Plus me to shush them.

yep. think the bun's a little too tight today. quel du mage.

so i'm noticing this trend developing in the media concerning how blogs are the new hip, anonymous way to express yourself. for example, rdg was in the paper today. woohoo! i feel like a member of her entourage. but anyway. then there was the library journal article about how blogs can be detrimental to your professional career if you link your name to them. pretty soon i'm sure they'll do some nightline expose on the dangers of blogging and your children. pissfuckdamn. that's what i say.

another random bit: not only did they re-elect the lamest guv'nor in america, they voted in favor of banning smoking in florida restaurants. stoopid health freaks! haven't they heard of natural selection/survival of the fittest? we'll all be dead soon enough anyway, can't we enjoy a fine smoke at chili's in the meantime? to reiterate: pissfuckdamn.

i smell fried chicken. hope no one's making a porno in the library without me.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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