9:51 a.m. I'm a little sexpot tall & hot. You want my booty, you want my *&%!. 2003-08-08
Reaped So last night I went out to 80's night & who should show but the hot ER resident Dr. Dave. With his California girlfriend in tow. Pretty nice people, tan & beuatiful like you'd imagine people from LA to be, though they bitched about the drinks not being strong enough & the chick was pretty incredulous that I could even know what 80's music is at the tender age of 25. So I replied, "I'm a child of the Eighties!"

Here we go, I thought, and why do I have to show creds to you? "I like new wave, you know?" I continued. Then I gave up. I swear I'm gonna start telling people I'm 28 or 29 just to get them to shuddup about how incredibly young! I am. Can you tell it's a pet peeve? That's ok though, I felt avenged later as I said, all wide eyed & innocent & young, "Wow! You guys must feel like real old biddies, I mean, I'm only 25 and I feel like an old hag." Grin grin. Cali girl's well-groomed eyebrows nearly jumped off her face. Retribution, that's what I'm talkin about. Balls to the wall my friend.

Anyway, Dr. Dave is your typical doctor dude. Tall, buff, dark hair, etc. Though rumor is he still lives with his mom. Not that it matters. They walk into the bar & loudly greet me: "There's the other a sexy librarian! Where's your partner?"

Dr Dave was referring to Seelbaby, the other red-headed sexpot transplant from the backwater, in library school no less, met through my coworker/friend L1sa earlier this summer. She was not yet there. Just me and the regular corseted crowd, watching Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS & listening to cock rock.

"So, how's your FIANCE?" Screams Dr. Dave.

"boyfriend." I say, silently wringing the doctor's neck. 80's night is not for boyfriends, much less informing the entire bar (incorrectly) that you're engaged to one. Gah. Set the mortify ray to 'stun'.

About that time the others show up. Seelbaby tosses me an airkiss & we proceed to shoot the shit w/ the good doctor & Caligirl.

"You," Dr Dave says to me, waving his Long Beach iced tea in the air to include Seelbaby & Caligirl, "All've you. You ooze sex from your pores. I'm not kidding. I dunno if it's the library thing, the intelligence, but when you asked, 'Can I help you?' that one day, oh man�"

"Thanks!" I say, for I am unflappable. "That's the first time anyone's ever told me I ooze sex from my pores."

It was. & now it is my new favorite saying. Excuse me young lad, have you a kleenex? I seem to be oozing sex from my pores. No you can't lick it off, naughty boy, but you can watch.

Needless to say, despite the jabs at my tender age, it was a good night. Other highlights included the goth girl with the NIN knee pads (Did she make them? Buy them? Who sells stuff like that? Is she waiting to meet Trent on the street, drop to her knees & give him a complimentary blow job? We wondered this ourselves over several bottles of Rolling Rock.), and the news that the Cruxshadows will be coming to the self same club in September. Break out the fishnet dress & corset, 'cos we're gettin' gothed up & ropin a Robert Smith look-a-like. Seelbaby knows the band, so it should be interesting.

Viva la Friday. I'm not hungover, & I got money leftover for the Eels tonight. Heard Gwyneth & Chris were at the NYC show. Yeah, I'm on a first name basis w/ those two, aren't you?

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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