2:03 p.m. steep 2002-11-15
Reaped i have done absolutely nothing today except surf the web and occasionally check the reference email for questions. there have been none. once in awhile my boss comes by and we chat, but really i've been doing nothing since about 8:30 this morning. fridays are just like that, i suppose. i want to be productive, but i just can't. would rather ride the clock til the magic hour.

so i'm going to see that condo tomorrow. made a promise to myself, just looksies, that's it. no impulse signing of a mortgage just to get out of living w/ the soon-to-be ex. don't think its that easy anyway, but who knows? this realtor lady sounded pretty amped that i was a first time home buyer and seems ready to sell me any type of living quarters as long as she gets a commission. at least i'm aware of that so i can work it to my advantage. statistically, they say buyers look at 15 places before they buy. that's alot of looking. i prefer picking out the one i like and running with it. but a condo is not a pair of jeans. though if they were diamond encrusted versace they'd probably cost about the same.

remember in Showgirls where Elizabeth Berkeley is all like "I love Versayse" and she sounds all country bumpkin and stupid? That was the best part of the movie.

it's gonna be fun explaining the realtor thing to crab when i get home. maybe today will be d-day. who knows? last night i told him i think we shouldn't live together anymore, and he's all, "well if we don't you'll definitely leave me then" crab is not stupid, he is just very good at deluding himself. then he started picking up the downstairs paper-mountain, which was kind of shocking & nice, except for by that point i felt like he was doing it to proove how he's an exemplarary boyfriend & wouldn't be doing it if i hadn't mentioned moving. eventually i will confront this problem, but for now, let it steep.


Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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