3:00 p.m. Just when you think i'm gone fer good 2002-10-07
Reaped i was reading this thing on librarians and blogging today and there was this big warning, like, "whenever WE hire someone we always do a search on the web for their name..." and went on to describe how awful it is for one to post all their sex dugs & rnr stories ESPECIALLY during work and ESPECIALLY with their name attached. bad form, you know, AND the lib. world is a very small community, so i hear.

well fuck that. i'm kinda halfway paranoid about someone finding this and going, *wave finger* nah ahh ahh! but fuck it. i have nothing to do at work. NOTHING TO DO. i have caught myself up and there's no refdesk for me today. so blah. i read 1110's stuff and think, gee, its been a long time...i';m not even a fave anymore and this makes me sad. so here's to some self indulgence. i'll probably get fired for it. oh well.

so lately, we've been getting awful wet. I only worked 6 days in the past 2 weeks, pretty nice. watching a cat 4 storm stare down nola--not nice. but nothing happened in the long run, besides far off friends calling me with panic in their voices telling me to get the fuck out.

but anyway, that's over now. in other events, went to the Swamp fest and ate alot of food. like crawfish bread, gator, fried green 'maters, a sausage like substance from the acadians, and a white russian icees w/ beau coup inebriates in it. oh yeah.

then sunday, as me and the crab left to watch the bucs game, i noticed my car was fucked up. Passenger side mirror? broken. Radio antenna? leaning forward like a drunk jouster. lovely. someone sideswiped my car with their stoopid texas suv and didn't even leave a sorry note. or i've inadvertenly pissed off all the neighborhood delinquents to the point they're causing auto bodily harm. spooty. at least there's nothing left to fuck up on that side of the car now, and its a pretty much forgone conclusion that NO ONE is going to steal it. unless they're smokin crack, which is possible.

so anyway, it's break time for mo, time to slip into the muggy afternoon air of the second balcony and suck a couple more minutes of my life away. i promise though, more writing, less slackin

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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