9:32 p.m. rabble rabble rabble 2003-03-14
Reaped okay. so i'm still working right now but that's soon to end & then its pizza movies & pot until the break of dawn.

heh. break of dawn. did i mention i saw that yesterday? yup. i was out til 5 FRICKIN A M last night with my ol' Bingo! pal Tracy, the semi-criminal pharmacologist from Jaw-ja. er, georgia. spooty accent not translating very well grr.

needless to say i got hammered. i started out pretty well, stuck to ketel one screwdrivers at fiorella's during the bingo! show. then it was off to the shim sham for 80's night.

but i gotta do WORK now. close the library and make snooty intercom announcements to everyone who has not yet vacated the premises and reshelve some books since apparently student workers are not allowed(?!). so all you library people, THAT'S what it means to have an MLS or whatever other acronym combo your library school is awarding--YOU ARE WORTHY TO SHELVE THE BOOKS, for only the acolytes of Dewey could possibly understand the complex matrix that is the call number system. Right.

suffice it to say i puked more times than EVER today at work. luckily i discovered the secret bathroom in the tech area, with a lock on the door and seating for only one, so no more swallowing it back 'til the chick in the other stall is done taking a dump anymore!

more than you wanted to know, eh? sorry. it's my diary & i'm a bloody perv sometimes. ho ho. (apparently i'm also a klepto in terms of hunter s. thompson prose now to. whatever).

must. stop. entry.


Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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