1:23 p.m. a hateful beast that breeds contempt among creatures 2002-10-22
Reaped here's a random observation: minimum wage workers in new orleans are RUDE. incredibly, horribly, detestably rude. here's one par examplance:

weezer1d wants to buy some cigarettes. since EZ serve has gone bankrupt, she must go to eckerds to find her death stix. there is no one behind the counter at the store because the sales girl is browsing the candy aisle for a tasty snack.

'i'll be with you in a minute', she snaps, but its ok b/c weeer1d is slightly out of it this saturday afternoon.

'that's fine,' i say and begin reading the tabloids. britney spears is carrying rosie's baby? no way.

meanwhile, grumpy cashier girl rings up her candy. says hi to somebody who just walked in the store. finally she glances at me, rolls her eyes, and sighs, "so WHAT did you want?"


salesgirl narrows her eyes. looks me up and down, smiles, and says in that sweet yet incredibly snotty tone known only to the service industry, "ID please?"

"suuure..."i reply just as sweetly.

show it to her. she looks it over like i'm prime felon number one. for a second i think i'm gonna get turned down for an out of state id. but no, she drops it on the counter. i grab it, tell her again what i wanted. try not to jump over the counter and shove her tasty candy snacks up her cute little salesgirl ass.

"that's a compliment, you know" a voice behind me says. turns out its my hairdresser. i feel a little better about the snooty salesgirl's attitude.

"that's thirty-one fitty."

when i try to hand her my credit card she brushes it away and kinda motions to the self-pay system. i pay for the cigs, hold my tongue in terms of telling certain bizatches to fuck off, and you can be sure no one got told to have a nice day. i really wanted to go tell her manager that she's a bitch. but then, what if she's a single mom. do i want to be the evil bourgeois lady that sends yet another poor soul to the cruel soulless streets?

hmmm. perhaps its those same streets that make all the minimum wage workers so pissy.

in conclusion: i'm sorry you make minimum wage. i'm sorry i'm a caucasian female. i'm sorry my presence invokes such disgust. i'm just sorry for the state of the world in general these days. the city is a hateful beast that breeds contempt among its creatures. but someone has probably said that before. there is nothing left but redundancy and loathing.

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Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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