3:13 p.m. crucifix & the horny crab 2002-10-17
Reaped blah. bored. work is work. the ref area is empty. i finished all my projects for now, so sit surfing and thinking of things to say...last night i heard a great quote from a comedian, it went something like,

"all the great writers were alcoholics. you know why none of the great writers were potheads? because no one wants to read a book about the world's tastiest twinkie."

today i heard someone puking in the women's bathroom. i guess even nurses have eating disorders.

and the ani concert at the house of blues is sold out tonight. sigh. that's what i get for being such a hermit.

had a conversation w/ Mr. XXX last night. He was happy to have recently gotten laid. I say, kudos. Meanwhile, the crab says, "i'm tired but i don't want to go to bed." Goat replies, "We could have sex..." But no, crab is not horny. He was this morning, so i guess this is some type of retribution. what can i say? i was already in my work clothes. Such a functional relationship. What i would give for some horny crabs.

maybe that'll get my stats up.

talking to mr. xxx made me sad. he kept saying, 'can i bum a cigarette off ya?' & i'd go, 'sure'. kinda nostalgic. his life is alot more interesting than mine at the moment. makes me wonder, what was so great about moving?

so in conclusion, i'm bored, friendless & having slight mental asphyxiation. but isn't that what a diary is for?

as i drove home from work last night i passed a prostitute at a bus stop. she rested her arms between the sign and a garbage can, her face twisted up in an expression of pain or pleasure. she looked for a moment like a crucifix.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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