1:34 p.m. Good Gag me. 2003-04-17
Reaped Ticketmaster tells me, "Don't miss Civic Tour presents New Found Glory and Good Charlotte!"

Um, yes. Indeed, I think I willl definitely make a point to miss that.

Good Charlotte...isn't that the band where the singer was hired as a VJ for MTV 'cos he was all Clash throwback punk and then was like, "Wait a minute, I can play three chords...I have a band too!" and then they gave a record deal to him & his fat skunky brother? And they made a video that ripped off the Clash's album font?

And New Found Glory...I'm not even going there.

How these kids can make it while me & my sister fester in relative obscurity is beyond me. Oh wait. Drive. & Youth. Oh yeah.

Silly Ticketmaster. I have better things to do. Like get this wisdom tooth out. And shave my cat. And eat this pound of nitroglycerin...

actually, I think I just found another use for the nitro, and it don't involve injestion.

Do you like my horizontal rule? Isn't it sexy, lazily supine on the computer screen, laying there with it's pixels spread, waiting for your mouse to come and to ravage it?

Such a little tease.

uh oh, looks like someone's got a little friend! It's getting kinky here in html land.

If someone asks you if you've seen their friend in the library, does that count statistically as a reference question?

Yes. Why I think it does. Tee.

Tonight I'm off on another journey, the kind that takes 11 hours, a fair amount of weed and an adderal, and you end up on the Atlantic ocean somewhere in Florida.

It's Easter at Dad's, just like the old days. I love it. Easter Brunch at the Officer's Club rules. Mimosas, omelette bar, cheese cake, all-you-can-eat. And sometimes sister gets really drunk & says funny stuff. Thank you, Grampa, for being in the Air Force.

Til later, my friends. Check out the surf where I'll be staying here.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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