9:04 p.m. Free bread and games 2002-02-05
Reaped this weekend i went to the dylan concert. understand, this was not an ordinary weekend, but in fact, gasparilla, tampa's "answer to mardi gras", if you believe the hype. since this is a city devoid of religious principles, rather than practicing all the debauchery possible before lent, we celebrate the rape and pillage of our town by the Dread Pirate Gaspar. Cliquish crewes are formed, boobs flashed, beads tossed, much drinking occurs from kegs toted around on stolen shopping carts. sorry to say, i missed the invasion, but did get downtown in time to see the aftermath: off duty national guard tromping through downtown with their AKs, a man untying a woman's corset with his teeth, drunk frat boys swerving their MGs down the main drag, and of course, mr. dylan serenading them all. i watched from the third row center, no less. close enough to catch his eye during 'everybody must get stoned'. close enough to scream, 'i love you adonis-like back-up guitarist!', and get him to look up. not close enough, however, to get invited to the after party. sigh.

it's okay though, because i am not some sex-crazed groupie. some would probably strike me to hear it, but i don't even own a dylan album. i do know how to sway to the music, and i know how to appreciate a legendary [sic] musician. another one to add to the 'people i must see before i/they/the world dies' list. a proper segue into the rest of the weekend, for which you will unfortunately have to wait. i just rode a bus for eight hours, and feel kinda like a porta-potty.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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