4:51 p.m. blah blah blah 2003-08-05
Reaped Is it raining is it snowing

Is a hurricane a-blowing?

Not a speck of light is showing

So the danger must be growing

& we show no signs of slowing

& the rowers keep on rowing�

Ominous, the fact I remember this from memory.

It is raining. & I do wish a hurricane was a-blowing.

Nothing else to say. Teaching is hard work. I get home & I deflate like a balloon. Not even the stregnth to pack a bizowl or drink some wizine.

On one of these library listservs a girls like, 'hey! Look at my new library blog! Send me your link & I'll link you back!'

So take a look at this blog: http://Sulkbrarian.tblog.com. Or don't. Free will reigns supreme, at least in the land of ones & zeroes. I go back & forth on publicizing this journal. There's too much incriminating evidence. & not nearly a catchy enough name. Shoulda called it 'stonerlibrarian'.

Is there anything more heavenly than a bite-size Heath bar?

Two bite-size Heath Bars, for one. A bag o' free bite-size Heath Bars for trading shifts, for two.

Astounding revelation of the day: when I'm nervous I sweat like a muthafucka. As in lightweight pants sticking to the back of my legs in a very unattractive wedgie-down-to-my-knees way when I stand up at the end of class. This is ok, since I & the med students seem to have a good repartee. At least they shut up about it til I'm out of earshot. I told ol' Crazy Officemate about the sweating & blushing & glavin & she's like, "You're way to young for hot flashes!"

If that's what those are like, I really am vowing to stay 25 forever. Fuck that shizat.

In other observations, the students like me more than Crazy Officemate Librarian. Either that or I failed to teach them anything about the online catalog yesterday in the clinical group classes. B/c today they're all, 'Mo! Mo! Come help us!' then they apologized profusely for not remembering anything from yesterday. Then thanked me profusely for finding them articles.

One of the reasons I like my job is the positive feedback one will occasionally receive. & the attention. Lot's & lots of attention. Now if only I could keep the sweat to a minimum.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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The WeatherPixie