9:35 a.m. oooooh bad librarian... 2002-12-10
Reaped so i've just been handed my first overdue notice from the library. which is ironic, you'd think i would remember to renew my books considering i work six feet away from circulation and all. but whatever. today is all about breaking the mold, leaving the stereotype behind, a birth anew from the ashes gone terribly wrong. or something.

so these overdue periodicals have been sitting untouched on my desk since before thanksgiving. they all have mini pink post-it-notes sticking out of them. which is a very very bad thing according to bosslady & other librarians, since they leave this sticky nasty residue on the pages if left posted too long which absolutely destroys archival quality. my question is, exactly how long?

my point is, i need to make copies of the post-noted periodicals, check them back in and be done with it before boss lady finds out & sends me a 'gentle reminder'. we're big on those here. which is better than a screaming order so i'm not complaining.

when you think about it though, really they are kinda the same. semantics. that's the difference.

so crab is leaving for our backwater homeland on friday. i will be goat in the big city, all alone til the week of christmas. one part of me is all WOOHOO! a clean house! a made bed! a significant lack of 'what's for dinner?' and all the anna nicole show i can stand! but at the same time it will be lonely. and i worry about kitty and iguana. hope they don't freeze or starve or die of loneliness while i'm gone.

it's funny to even worry about the animals well being while i'm gone anyway. think i may personify them a little too much now & again. but...it's nice to be needed. or at least project onto the livestock that its so.

so now i must make copies and other bibliographic things...practice tying my hair in a chignon and shushing the patrons. or alternatively, dreading my hair and shotgunning bong hits to the patrons...but anyway, til later...

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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