4:51 p.m. score one for the gimp 2003-01-21
Reaped well, it's almost time to go home here, so let's just keep this like sex with my exes: brief & sticky.

ten minutes late to work this morning. they should just attach those 10 minutes to the vacation day we got for MLK's b-day, cos it was hard as hell to pry open my crusty eyes at 7:30 this morning, much less dress then & insert an IV of coffee. so anyway. of course traffic was horrible all the way to work, always is, but don't matter as much now that i'm driving my beautiful new yup-car. (word to mr XXX - dissin' my color beeotch, you're just JEALOUS of my pimpin new ride - nyah nyah nya nyah nyahhhhhh!)

so anyway. get in to work and I know bosslady is gonna have words, cos its 8:40 and god forbid...

"So Weez, you came in a little...late today" says Bosslady.

"yeah, traffic was bad."

"so...usually when someone is late they either tell me if they're staying late or not taking a break or whatever, to make up the time."

and i look at bosslady, straight in the eye and i say, i says to her,

"Well Bosslady, "I say very nicely & reasonably,

"Since i usually only take like 5 minute breaks anyway i figured it could come outta there..."

she looks at her shoes, ponders. yeah, guess that will be OK.

and with that, your hero not only comes to work LATE, she also ARGUES HER WAY OUTTA IT, and then proceeds to take all of her breaks anyway. such are the small pleasures of da weez, slave to the grind, rider of the clock, the bitch of the biblioteque.

score one for the gipper, or gimp, or whatever, it's five, time to go.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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