2:29 p.m. Hi! my name is Mo. I am not a unhip brainless nerdling robot. But my friends are. 2003-07-24
Reaped You know, when you were a kid & your favorite show came on, and you�re like �YES! SMURFS!� and you jump all around the living room going �LA LA L-LALALA LA L-LALA LAAAAAAAA�, sometimes even banging your siblings� head into the wall in joyous syncopated rhythm? Who hasn't hummed along mindlessly to the chorus of Charles in Charge? You? Liar.

But you grew out of it, discovered your brother�s porn collection, or NKOTB, or some other vapid activity, & the TV sing-alongs fell out of style with the Bedazzler & other fine Ronco creations.

Or so you'd think.

Like other professional mid-twenties tribes, most nights we camp around the idiot box, worshipping our cable gods, smoking da peace pipe & drinking our juice & pondering the underlying symbology of such prophets as Homer, Fry, Bender, & Stewart. I used to look forward to these community gatherings. But something strange has begun to happen when we gather in the warm blue glow for Family Guy. Reversions to childhood type of things. Cringeful type of things. Sing-along type of things.

Don't misread me here. I love Family Guy. It's one of those things that make people like me argue for the cultural relevance of television and the Chrisitian Coalition argue the exact opposite. But lately, in our little tribe of four, as soon as the opening notes of the show's themesong ring out, M00n starts up, in her tiny, tuneless voice. Every. Single. Word. Barely above a whisper but enough that you can hear it. Then Crab joins in, whether b/c he's drunk or feeling sorry for her I know not. I pretend to ignore it, sneak a glance at M1k3. Sometimes he'll sing along as well, other times he smirks to himself in the shadows. I think it depends how much he's into m00n that week.

It makes me cringe. I'm watching three bright, for most purposes normal humans sing along to a TV show opener. With no apologies. It's just so...retarded. Makes me want to do something retarded too, freak out & yell things like "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! YOU SOUND LIKE ROBOTS! UNHIP, BRAINLESS, NERDLING ROBOTS!"

But that will never happen. I won't be driven over that edge. I am not a brainless robot.

It's disturbing though. This isn't the Mickey Mouse Club. We're not kids waiting to be fed the next new jingle for the next new toy. We're conscious consumers who revel in the fragmented post-modernity that has made everything a glitzy commercial. We don't buy it. We smirk at your feeble attempts to make the Acura cool by adding Kinky. We spit on the idea that Beyonce would ever drive her own car, much less one without a GPS system which would negate her getting lost & therefore needing directions back to the highway anyway. We're the 2% of the viewing public that get your references to the Prisoner & HP Lovecraft. We do not watch hour blocks of Friends or Everybody love Raymond and WE DO NOT SING ALONG TO TV SHOW THEMESONGS. Regardless of how hip & funny they are.

Or at least we didn't...

At least I won't.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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