3:53 p.m. Blarg bla blarg blarg blarg. 2003-08-21

-------------------/-/-/-/-/-/Editors note/-/-/-/-/-/-/------------------------------

From now on all references to that other couple will be referred to as Joanie & Chachi, if I can get my poor addled brain to remember it. Maybe if I get reeaaally motivated I'll even change the references in my archives. So now the whole world can observe the hideous adventures of our so-called good friends, for nothing's better than a soap opera, except maybe a reality series soap opera. Why else would there be a sequel to Temptation Island?


Crab bought me a bottle of wine! Then assured me I wasn't an alcoholic. I'm going to test that hypothesis tonight.

In other news, I think Chachi* is mentally abusing Joanie*. Joanie's all matter-of-fact while he was outta town, "You know Chachi doesn't like me around other people."

"No, I did not know that. That's fucked up."

"But don't things make a lot more sense now? Like how I never go out & why I always stay on the computer when you guys are in the other room?"

"All because he told you he doesn't want you around other people?"

"Well you know he's extremely jealous."

"Girrrrrrl, that don't make it right."

"Well, you don't owe your boyfriend twelve hundred dollars."

That I do not. And for once I was happy to have such a normal Crab. Chachi, on the other hand, is an evil man. Eviler still if he is cheating on her.


*To understand what the hell i'm talking about please refer to episode CXVIT of the Weezer1d Chronicle.

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Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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