11:39 a.m. to continue... 2002-11-18
Reaped looked at a condo i seriously couldn't afford this weekend. very pretty, in a hip part of town, but *sigh*, 105,000? for 600 square feet? eh, heh. even with the mexican tile it's a leetle to pricey, man!

so right now i'm trying to decide if i want to take 2 days off after winter break. so i emailed my boss & she said, yes, that's cool, but then goes on to say


"...I do feel a need to remind you about your leave balance. With 27 hours accrued as of Nov. 30, plus 14 hours each in Dec. and Jan., minus 16 hours used in January, your balance of annual leave will be at 39 hours at the end of January. I always encourage folks to build a good leave balance -- for the unexpected as well as the planned. Your leave is yours to use as you need and our staffing levels permit. One of my jobs is help staff make good decisions about leave, so from time-to-time I do take the opportunity to caution staff about their balances...."

...ohhhkay, so what does that mean? almost 5 days of accrued leave is running a little low? or is it fine, or perhaps just a little on the edge...these mixed messages make me all confused!! should i take the 2 days to hang w/ monica (who's coming in from nyc w/ her new boyfriend that weekend) or not take the 2 days (monica & her boy have plenty of things to entertain themselves with for the 8 hours i'm not there)..ARGH!!! i don't know anymore! think'll i'll probably not take it off now though, what with the cautioning & everything. cos there's the annual Suwannee Springfest, which i'm DEFINITELY not missing, so i guess i should save my precious leave for that & the trip to cabo this summer.

spooty humans with their math skills & leave forms & accrual amounts & HIDEOUS MEAT! some day, all these things will face eradication with my neptunian death ray. until then, this is rabid librarian, signing off.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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