10:14 a.m. brief review of the potter movie 2002-11-18
Reaped like many people in this dystopic democracy, i took my muggle ass to the movies friday night to watch the new 'arry potter movie. pretty good from the special effects perspective, but they cut out the nearly headless nick's death-day party (one of the coolest scenes) & moaning myrtle reminded me alot of penelope cruz as the muse in dogma for some reason. whoever played her was a bit too old & cute for the woeful child described in the novel, but this is completely excuseable since Kenneth branaugh plays his little classically=-trained-elizabethan-actor heart out as Lockheart. So vain, so stupid, so reminiscient of hamlet...probably the most awesome part in the film. maybe because of mr. b, the kids' acting is a little better in this one. their eyebrows tend to stay on their faces this time. AND i made it through the whole 3 hours without peeing once, which can be attributed my stint in moscow a couple years back--once you've held it for an 8 hour field trip down bumpy russian roads an epic movie is no sweat. so yeah, go see it. unless you like to smoke or pee during films in which case wait for the video and enjoy it at home. other than that, the weekend was a mix of this, that & a little sumthin' sumthin', if ya knowwuddamean. but now, its breaktime. Sown
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