5:08 p.m. who gets the keys to the rare book room? 2002-11-20
Reaped who gets the keys to the rare book room?

major question of the moment. i don't know. technically i'm in charge but who can say who gets the keys? i would like to have them, and that lovely little isolated window office that's being used for storage right now...maybe someday, after the packrat librarian retires. the story goes, back in the day, they let packrat librarian have the upstairs office to herself, until she began having trouble keeping her mess contained. so they moved her to the first floor & i now share an office w/ her. trouble is, packrat librarian has issues, the medicated kind. so giving the only unshared office to the newbie rabid librarian would probably not do wonders for morale. hence, i do not know who has the keys to the rare book room.

today kinda sucked. partly due to the fact it got dark around 3pm. sometimes i miss sunny florida & it's heat infused autumn. so in the dark hours of the afternoon i presented a [rather bad] powerpoint on Webspirs. the remote to the projector was all fucked up, and wouldn't page through my slides. everything else worked though, so who knows. made me nervous. i like using the projector remote cos i can stalk around the front of the classroom and point the laser at things like a little general planning for war. so it made me nervous, half bent over at the computer station, reading off the screen like a neophyte instructor. bleh.

in the meantime, it rains. the refdesk remains vacant. i'm planning to sit here and read my new book the other boleyn girl. it's impossible for me to actually do other library work while i sit out on the desk. so i'll read this sixteenth century tale of the depraved & sex starved court of king henry VIII instead. its really good. i started last night & i'm already on page 200: Anne Boleyn is just about ready to marry the king, while her sister is pregnant with his second bastard. yeah, that type of book. finished the natural history of the rich: a field guide last night, which makes a good accompaniment to this one. natural history delves into the animal behaviourisms of the disgustingly weathly, other boleyn girl spells them out though fiction.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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