7:13 p.m. 'oral' means through the mouth. 2003-02-12
Reaped tonight after work (i.e. forty five minutes) i'm going to a Simpsons Literary Panel up at Tulane.

  • what is cool: matt groening is going to be there via satellite uplink, to y'know, chat and stuff.

  • what is not: the chat it starts at 7:30, meaning our hero will not the chat session make.

however, i will get to see the grad students, including the crab, pontificate on the simpsons, and how all their dohs & excellents are changing the scope of critical theory every sunday at 8pm (and 6 and 10 on weeknights). i will try to keep a straight face while people go on about latent marxism within the springfield work ethic, but i'm not promising anything.

which is not to say i don't believe the show offers poignant social criticism & an introspective commentary on the human condition. I own the The D'oh! of Homer,

it's just hard to take a bunch of english kids (graduate kids, mind you) seriously even when they're not dissecting pop culture. and when they are, lord help me. you'll need a knife to cut the pretension in this room tonight. but it should be entertaining.

so leading up to this, for the past couple of nights crab & his cronies have been hard at work killing bottles of Gordon's Gin in the name of the canon. like clockwork, i wake with a start around 3 am, listen for a moment to the rants coming from upstairs, then pass back out. this morning i half expected to find them collapsed in a stinking heap of alcohol fumes, but it was just crab, after all.

so that's tonight. otherwise, much is not happening. i could bitch about my sister's cat being sick, and how she's freaking out about it, but that's kinda old news. suffice it to say, she inherited that whole bipolar megabitch thing from my mom. i even have to hold the phone the same distance away from my ear with her that i do with my mother when she's on a roll. it's uncanny. but sprint pcs is amazing: a foot and a half away from my ear and the reception is still crystal clear. but yeah. that's another story in itself. which i shall tell now, being that there's still a half hour before quittin time.

so my friend bar0l0 is one of those buds from middle school band that i stayed miraculously in touch with. he's a youth m1n1ster in backwater city. got married a couple months ago, maybe you remember? but anyway, when he first got his own apartment he got this beautiful white long hair kitty, whom he promptly left to rot in aforementioned apartment once he got engaged.

i mean, he fed it and all, but would only visit a couple times a week and kitty wasn't getting nearly enough attention. so he decides he has to get rid of kitty, cos she'll scratch up fiance's nice leather furniture and get fluffy white hair all over the love shack.

then i get the pity call: the one where they're like, "i dunno what to DO! i'm gonna have to give it back to the POUND! hey, weez, YOU like cats, dontcha? dontcha want another KITTY? you don't want to see this cute innocent creature DIE, do you? you don't wanna send him to the GAS! you're not some kind of MURDERER, are you?"

so i caved. i have the will of cheddar cheese: put on the heat, i melt. but unlike the cheese, my brain still functions. as dick as it was for bar0l0 to dump on me like that, i couldn't let that happen to kitty. so i thought, i'll give it to my sister, who'd just moved into her own place. bar0l0 got married and promptly adopted an italian grey hound, which apparently are neater and less high maintenance than long hair cats. (that, my friend, was sarcasm)

everything was fine with kitty, until sister took her to the vet last week. kitty needed vaccinations. so she gets em. then, about 5-7 days later, just like the vet said might happen, kitty gets super sick. low temperature, high pulse and all that jazz. so what does sister do when this happens? talk to my mom? go to the vet? no...freaks out, calls me, and proceeds to damage my hearing with her tantrum, which consists of her telling me what i need to do to solve this problem for her. which entails contacting bar0l0 long distance, figuring out if the cat's been tested for feline aids & leukemia (which it must to be eligible for adoption, duh), and anything else. also spent a good ten minutes explaining to her that 'oral' means through the mouth. i'm not kidding. hopefully, this is attributed to her being upset rather than brain dead.

so i do it. call her back, try to raise her spirits. try to be a relatively good older sister. and i feel bad kitty is sick, but lil' sister reading all the possible fatal kitty ailments she could have online is not the best thing to do when trying to maintain a positive outlook.

i just get pissed when people dump on me. tell me what i 'need to do'. crab does it. so does my mother. and my boss, but they pay me so its different. but that's my other story. if ya want, please champion your higher deity for mercy on kitty's behalf. help her get better and all that. clap your hands and whatnot. hopefully its just the vaccination reacting badly. hopefully.


poor kitty

think i'm gonna go home now.

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Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
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Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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