4:03 p.m. opiate 2002-03-27
Reaped nothing like a mid afternoon shmoke break before class to get you back in line. and root beer. a nice frothy glass of rootbeer.

work was actually decent for once. dip showed up to tell me the most recent turmoils of wedding reception planning. she got married in india to this guy and when he gets over here next month their having the reception. they're having it at Fort Harrison, which is an old lavish hotel that's now owned by the Scientologists, or in her words, "the ones dressed up in the air force uniforms." i told her that the whole thing was based on old sci-fi stories and how corrupt and empty the whole thing was. jw heard the church of scientology just sued google for linking 'scientology' to anti-scientology sites. google actually stopped doing it, too. so now a bunch of g'ville computer activists are scheming. she says, as long as it doesn't happen on my day.

scientology is wierd. they own most of downtown clearwater. they also leave all these "how toxic are you?" fliers on my car, like 5 of them, everyday. i guess in case i miss the first one. by the time i drive home the campus parking lot is littered with them. so it is really the fliers that are toxic. kinda like religion, that old opiate of the people.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
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