4:31 p.m. The shaved leg entry: an ode to feminism & more than you want to know. 2003-05-15
Reaped I first stopped shaving when I went to Russia back in the summer of '97. Didn't have to. Eastern Europe=hairy legs, that's what the post-Soviet Union meant to my travel companions oh so long ago. And it was cool, walking around on a windy day, your long leg hair flapping in the breeze...Made me feel like a man. Or a hairy woman.

Picked it up again after the A-16 protests back when the anti-corporate-globalization movement was yet to be shadowed by domestic terrorism. Wanted to prove I didn't care what branded Amerikkka thought of me. Wanted to liberate myself from the schackles of the Daisy razor, just say no to the Mach-3 mindwash, prove I was hard. For a good couple of years, my legs were their own reforestation initiative.

I was thinking of that the other day while talking to my cousin. We were kinda drunk & I mentioned I had to start shaving when I moved up here & got my real job, b/c the first day I wore a skirt to work I noticed some raised eyebrows & secreted glances of horror coming my way. No one really said anything, & it's not like it's so visible, since my leg hair is practically blonde anyway, but this is the Dirty South. Southern belles do not their legs hairy grow, darlin'. Or let it stick out of their panty hose, which with the exception of fishnets I haven't worn since high school anyway. So shaved it I did. Sell out. Completely. The Matrix welcomed me back with open extension cords.

But my cousin mentioned something I didn't know: my sister stopped shaving for awhile because of me. I inspired her. Call me a feminazi, call me a bulldyke in lipstick, call me a lazy junkie, but I'm proud of that. I was an inspiration.

Nowadays the shaving happens, maybe once a month depending how I feel...I still hate doing it but until I cash in that 401K and re-embrace my inner hippie that's what I gotta do. Because a short skirt with hairy legs is so tacky. Unless you're in Moscow, then it's kinda a turn on.

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