3:16 p.m. memory? weekend? huh? 2003-02-24
Reaped so this saturday i got so drunk i blacked out. during which blackness i apparently ran around the nieghborhood screaming "WOOOO HOOOO I'M A REDNECK!" and other equally charming cat calls. damn my sister for teaching me the hillbilly yell. then i ran into the front steps of mike's house with our cooler & gave myslef a lovely bruise on my shin. the crab was happy to explain all of this to me sunday morning. surprisingly enough, i was not hungover the next day AT ALL. not even a slight *urp* from my belly. only the memory loss, go figure. first time that's ever happened. so from now on i'm only drinking absolut vodka & orange juice w/ pulp, since it doesn't do anything negative to me as far as i can tell. i will also eat lots of mexican food before bed, since that's the one thing i DO remember doing saturday night after the parade.

but what else. yeah. caught a shit load of beads. i mean, a box for every parade we went to, and we went to 6 just this weekend. and there's more tonight 'cos some were rained out on friday. i use the term loosely since not only didn't it rain, it was beautiful & windy & perfect weather. so we took some Val1um instead & sat on the porch staring at things. good times.

actually, work-jen gave me the down-lo on bead procurement: "wear your hair long, and a bright color shirt, and scream like a banshee" which is what i did. and i got some cool beads--one has a hand painted medallion of jean laffite-apparently very rare so nyah nyah nyah. the trick is, when they go by, catch their eye and scream "BIG BEADS! BIG BEADS! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" This really works, i know, unbelievable. even got a stuffed animal & usually those are reserved for the cute little kids. so to reiterate, nyah nyah nyah.

thus, if anyone wants a mardi gras box full of beads let me know. send me an email with your addy. send it to this address: mknapp AT lsuhsc DOT edu

(again, hotmail is evil. and any porn/spam/viruses sent to this address will result in VERY BAD THINGS happening to you. i will not elaborate but trust me, i know people. people with uber-computing skillz that will fuck your IP up big time.)

but i digress, as usual. i'm leaving work at 4pm to get that damn dress at betsey johnson. the shopping centre closed at 5 fucking 30 on friday, so i spent 3 bucks to walk in the door & promptly walk out. the thing is, since the centre is downtown ya gotta pay to park. keeps the rif raf out of the chanel store or whatever. on the other hand, they are having a sale and i have a coupon. (see previous entry if you really care that much). everything closes early here for mardi gras. which is ok. just sucks i gotta use annual leave to get this dress. oh well.

so anyway, guess i better go do some more work. happy mardi gras, peoples.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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