4:51 p.m. happy happy joyjoyjoy 2003-01-14
Reaped so last night at the king cake party all these people kept going, "happy mardi gras", "happy mardi gras", "happy mardi gras"** and i'm like, que? but it turns out mardi gras starts january 6th and continues til fat tuesday. which explains why people at work have taken to wearing flashy pins of purple, green & yellow. and why everywhere i go king cakes are flying at my face.

but the good news is, monday before fat tuesday i get to leave work 2 hours early in order to beat the traffic uptown. apparently, i'll have to set the crab to guarding my parking spot with our aluminum baseball bat while i'm away. or maybe my dad, who is supposedly coming for the gras as well. actually, that be pretty cool, if ya think about it. see, my dad's a whatchacallit, a massive lush. so i'll set him out there about 8:30 with a bottle o' cap'n morgans, a liter of coke & some limes, give him a couple hours and he'll scare the people away by his mere oratory skills. then give him a toke and he's out for the night. maybe i'll just give him the toke & get him to pass out in my parking spot for the day, & wake him up for the parades in the evening. circumvent the whole drinking thing altogether. now if that's not passive aggressive i don't know what is.

but i do know this. mardi gras my dears, its gonna be a party. or excuse me, is a party. who's comin?

**one other thing i noticed, the people saying 'happy mardi gras' were only recent residents to the crescent city. like maybe lived here a year. which leads me to think that maybe only the lame tourista student carpetbaggers are the ones shouting happy mardi gras all over the place. like to prove they fit in. who can say? i say, kinda lame unless you're at the parade choking on king cake. in which case it'd be more like, "heimlich mardi gras!" or something.

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