11:42 p.m. a walk in the park 2002-03-14
Reaped one cool thing about nyc tv. reality dating shows. i know, go to nyc, the city that never sleeps, and what do i do but read books and watch mindless shit on the telly. but these shows give me hope for human kind. or at least help me celebrate the human comedy.

i.e. "shipmates": take two people of the same age/attractiveness, and put them on a blind date that's 3 days long and on a cruise. lovin' it. the first one paired a jersey girl with a male model wannabe. they toured alaska and spent most of the time verbally ripping each other to pieces. then the first night, male model leaves jersey girl for a blonde chick with bigger tits. second night, jersey girl steals the blonde chick from male model. their "video postcards" at the end of the show had lots of bleeps. uh-huh. better than springer, cos its on a carnival ship. product placement, gotta love it.


there are lots of dogs in nyc. went to shurz park, watched the east river swirl around from the promenade. surprising, it's still a somewhat blue color. people walked their dogs, nannies walked their kids. an old couple walked each other in that endearing leaning way some of them have. on a corner next to a 'curb your pets' sign there was a lonely lost poor bear forgotten on the rail. made me strangely sad, in a nostalgic way that makes me kinda smile. like when i see an old couple. leave it for a friendly doggie to sniff.

central park. lots of kids screaming on the playground by the met, the sun all shiny, glittering off the granite monoliths that rise and meet the asphalt sidewalk. belvedere castle sits in the middle, rising from this sparkly rock, shiltz or something i think its called. climbed up to the top and tried to identify the dakota. took some pics w/ my panoramic camera, the one i'm still trying to use up from my trip to san fran last year. smiled at some firefighters up there, "what can i say, i'm a tourist..." i shrugged sheepishly. they said it was okay and asked if i wanted to be in a picture.

tried to find strawberry fields, but ended up 3 miles north of it. elusive, they are.

like yoda, i talk.

found shakespeare's garden. pretty tulips, and some wierd tiny rose like flower growing from the rocks. one of the plaques reads from the tempest: where the bee has stung is where i suck, blah blah blah. but cool, reminds me of something i get little of now.

saw a guy named "thoth" play the violin and sing like a diva, the bells and cockleshells around his hairless legs tinkled in rhythm as he danced and sang. when he hops his red satin robe flies up, he flashes his gold thong underneath. the audience gives him money for this.

by the beethoven statue rollerbladers and skateboarders showed their skills. a middle aged man balanced 2 water jugs on his head as he executed perfect pirouettes on his blades. little 12 year old boys tried to ollie off the bandshell, and i cringed as one after the other pump their board, fly into the air like a miniture tony hawk, only to eat it on the hard bricks below. then get up and try again.

time to meet monica after work. get on the subway. yay, its the 6 and i wasn't even trying. "next stop lexington ave. watch the closing doors." damn. too late, but i need 34th, the opposite way.

wait for the next stop. get off, try again.

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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