2:34 p.m. library grrls gone wild 2002-06-18
Reaped hah! sitting in the library of wesleyan college here in GA right now. they have a kick ass campus--all brick buildings set in this pastoral scene straight outta gone w/ the wind. killer.

this weekend=cool. some highlights:

Hot August Knights-the premeier atlanta neil diamond cover band. think motorhead crossed w/ a lead singer harboring an unnatural fondness for hairgel and sequins. did someone say sweet caroline?

Jim Rose Circus-penis puppetry. chain saws. fitting one's body through a tennis racket. the world's fattest yoyo expert-to the tune of ACDC. that's all i gotta say.

in short, cool free shit from vendors, including the first two harry potters--po-russki (in russian for you cultureless americans), cool free shit from little five points (Duff key chain, ganesh air freshener, shirt proclaiming 'misanthrope' -- dig it), cool expensive shit from Babette, the yummy noveau french cuisine cafe at which i spent 55 bucks on dinner alone (the most ever, i think) that's okay b/c i had VEAL ravioli and a creme brulee that puts mine to shame. AND we stayed at this bed and breakfast in Inman park. i got the Guest room. and one of the library chicks stayed w/ family, so i got it to myself for almost the whole time. woo hoo!

and as to not disappoint my fellow compatriots out there, i did manage to smoke out my library grrl, and guess what? i got a whole bunch of xanax as a thank you gift. happy librarian will now be uber entertained at the ref desk, if not a bit glassy eyed.

so, 7 more hours home to the shitty humid crack town of tampa. countdown to the big move--45 days? who can say. gotta go decipher my libgrrls german email message now...a snippet--"velleicht du hast mir an die Interneterotikchat errinern?" --translation- maybe you remember me from that erotic internet chat room.

uhhh, no. she's a married mom, so i think not. email porn spam is the worst, selberverstandlich wenn man kann die Wort nicht verstehen.


Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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