4:29 p.m. The unfortunate wrath of ms. spooty-pants 2002-07-01
Reaped one of the lib-employees around here was bitching about my ever deflating work ethic at a meeting last week. & said i bitch about work too much, bitch about the big boss too much (NOT true- only bitching about the middle mgmt. here!) & in general am a big smelly loser, worthy only of the title 'brat'.

such heresay would make me quiver with rage were it not for the fact that

this nay-sayer is low on the totem pole and can have absolutely no effect on any job searches/recommendations. it amuses me though, since ms. spooty-pants bitches about their job just as much as me. it also amuses me that this was said to one of the gentler lib-people that think i'm a pretty decent person, so really it made her look like a dumbass, since that person then told another friend of mine, who in turn apprised me of this confidence breach.

the next job i get--no politics! no bithching about my job! no bitching about other people! just doing the work, being happy i'm paid, and getting along w/ everyone. rabid librarian's alter ego is of course as tame as dr. hyde. i really think if we got more respect around here as human beings it wouldn't be such dour task to go to work everyday.

it's interesting though. as i washed my tat this morning i was thinking about how tolerable work has been since the atlanta conference. there's nothing to be worried about, it's all just working the shifts until the big move now anyway. so this whole attempted slander doesn't really bother me too much. it not like i'll have to see any of these people ever again. (except of course, when i take over the ALA as supreme dictator for life and excommunicate them for being bad librarians ;)~ ) for now though, water under the bridge, my friends.

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