2:29 p.m. stone cold sober entry #1 2002-07-14
Reaped yep. i'm still alive. just not very vocal.

i'm beginning to get those pangs of preemptive nostalgia that usually emerge before i leave a place for good. happened in g'ville, so i guess it'll happen here in back water city as well.

so friday my library grrl threw the party to end all parties. i show up, about 9 people in tow. it was cool cos i got to say to all the nerds, yeah, this is my entourage. the party was pretty cool: i felt kinda bad b/c library grrl got really sick after consuming 6 martinis and then shmoking. she passed out around 10, but the party continued 'til around 1am. yaddi yaddi, we likes to pahdi.

teehee. i'm so popular. makes up for highschool hardcore.

so you'll have to excuse me if this is all over the place. i've given up the herb momentarily.

speaking of that, i'm surprisingly not fiending too hard. think this is b/c its the 30,000 dollar drug test. in light of that reality, i've decided to do ALL the stuff that's supposed to clean your system, since i've been smoking 3x a day for hte past 4 years. blood doesn't run in my veins anymore, but bong juice.

so the cleansers include: charcoal pills, coffee, cranberry juice, h20, cert-o, redi-cleen, herbal detox tea of some nefarious asian origin. basically everything short of bleach, which one of my exes used when he was in the army. later he got an ulcer when he was only 22, so i think i'm gonna stay away from that shit. not to mention high doses will kill you.

anyway, only 4 more days of ga-dom. interestingly enough, no congrats from the current lib. bosses on the new job, thus confirming they don't like me too much. whatever, you reap what you sow, and i'm outta here so soon it really doesn't matter. on the other hand, i will be receiving a lovely tablet-sized planner as a token of appreciation.

new favorite reply when asked my name at the refdesk: "rabid_librarian, but it doesn't really matter, i'm leaving next week."

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

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