5:34 p.m. Gimme a shot, any shot! 2002-10-16
Reaped New scientific study reveals redheads have a lower threshhold of pain, and need 20% more anaesthesia than duller headed people. That must be why it takes so much for me to get stoney.


discovered the neighborhood street imps' new game the other day. It was garbage day, and by some stroke of luck the g-men actually took our garbage, even though it was against the house & out of the reach of lazier public employees. they threw the cans in the side yard, which is fine, cos they took the crap in the first place. so later that day we're sitting inside consuming various inebriates and this awful noise, much like a plastic garbage can being sodomized by asphalt, starts up from outside, followed by the regular screams and hoots of the crazed street children. I stick my head outside in time to see the can score an imaginary field goal, while one of the chilluns strikes a graceful pose of a olympian discus player, except the discus was in fact the lid to our garbage can.

'Hey,' i say, 'can ya throw that back to me?' the kid's eyes get really big: he knows they're in deep shit. so he hands the lid back to me. the other chillun chucks the bottom into our yard. they begin to apologize, then change the subject and try to convince me that the three and a half foot kid in front of me is sixteen years old.

'wow' i say, 'must suck to not reach the steering wheel, huh?'

'awww, she doan know nuthin', another one says.

i rest the can against the house. picking up a moldy pizza box, the amazing sixteen yr. old midget shouts 'go long!' & motions to throw. weary of maggot infused garlic crusts, i go inside.

a couple minutes later the sound of rubbermaid rape bounces into the house again. i don't want to go outside. i don't want to see what damage and confrontations these potential holy terrors have in store. so i make jw do it. everything's fine though, it's neighbor's garbage can this time, and i didn't tell them to stop doing anything, just to stop doing it w/ my stuff. unfortunately, someone eventually did tell the imps to stop the game of garbage ball, which led to the even more amusing 'loose bricks in the street'-ball. but that is a story for another day, maybe once my eye heals up. now gimme some more of that anaesthesia, will ya?

Fresh Cut
New digs - 2004-05-25
Bachelor hell - 2004-05-10
Grumble - 2004-05-07
Coachella pt. 2, or goddamn do my fingers hurt - 2004-05-05
Coachella part one, or, this monkey's gone to indio rawk heaven - 2004-05-05

Random Shearings
Geek Philosopher

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